Nihonmachi Little Friends’ After School Program (ASP) is a Japanese bilingual, multicultural school-age childcare program serving kindergarten through fifth graders. The program is a continuation and progression of the teaching philosophy started from its preschool programs. It is open from 2:00 to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, during the regular school year.
Fees are based on an hourly rate with a set minimum charge per month. A sliding fee schedule is provided to accommodate various family income levels. NLF leases space for our ASP at Christ United Presbyterian Church, located at 1700 Sutter Street, during the school year. We close during the summer, as the Church operates its own summer camp program at that time.
Fees are based on an hourly rate with a set minimum charge per month. A sliding fee schedule is provided to accommodate various family income levels. NLF leases space for our ASP at Christ United Presbyterian Church, located at 1700 Sutter Street, during the school year. We close during the summer, as the Church operates its own summer camp program at that time.
Currently, two public schools (Rosa Parks & Clarendon Elementary School) have designated NLF’s After School Program’s location (Sutter at Laguna) as a school bus stop where the children are dropped off in the afternoon. Otherwise, parents need to provide their own transportation to the program.
The day is structured with activities that encourage self-confidence and cooperation. Japanese bilingual-bicultural activities are presented through music, stories, arts and crafts, and celebration of traditional events. The program fosters the child’s self-esteem, growth in all areas of development, creativity, critical thinking skills, an emphasis on inclusiveness, an appreciation and acceptance of differences, and involvement in the community.
Parent Participation requirement
The development of NLF’s After School Program was the direct result of a group of parents who were in need of this type of program and who worked together with the Board and staff to make it a reality. We feel that it is important for parents to continue to be fully involved in the education of their children and the development of the program. Parents play a crucial role in their children’s lives and through working together with other parents and the program, parents can learn more about each other, share concerns and ideas, and gain a support network.
Since NLF's monthly fees do not cover all costs for running the programs, we require parents to participate in fundraising and other activities. Our After School Program requires that parents participate in at least 6 activities which include three major fundraising events.
Since NLF's monthly fees do not cover all costs for running the programs, we require parents to participate in fundraising and other activities. Our After School Program requires that parents participate in at least 6 activities which include three major fundraising events.
Monday through Friday,2:00pm to 6:00pm(regular school year)
*closed during the summer
Christ United Presbyteria Church@1700 Sutter StreetSan Francisco, CA.
Offer a program tour by appointment only on Friday at 2 pm upon request. Please call 415.922.8898 to schedule an appointment.
Step 1: Arrange a visitStep 2: Apply (no application fee)If there are no openings, you will be placed on a wiaiting list.